liebster award

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It's crazy to think someone nominated me to do one of these, I know it's not the biggest thing in the world but is still quite exciting so thankyou Jess Whitbread for the nomination!

So here are the rules for the liebster award, I didn't know them either!:
1. Provide a link back to the blogger who nominated you.
2. Post 11 random facts about you.
3. Answer 11 random questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers for the award (excluding who nominated you) with 11 questions for them to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that you have nominated them.

Here's my 11 random facts about me:
1. I have one dimple
2. I play the flute
3. I have a puppy but I'm scared of dogs
4. I've been to china and russia
5. I take a-level maths
6. I'm super organised
7. I can't spell very well, I get p's and b's mixed up
8. I've never dyed my hair
9. I love dinsey films
10. I have an obsession with musicals, including their soundtracks
11. I love tomato sauce, pasta and cheese

Jess's Questions to me:
1. What are your holy grail make-up products?
I'd say maybeliine dream matte mousse is my foundation I use when I want a good skin day, and also I love my body shop baked blusher.

2. What beauty product is at the top of your wishlist?
Anything from mac or benefit, I just want to try some more expensive make up

3. What made you start blogging?
I've attempted to start blogging a few times before but always gave in because I felt like I was going no where, but I guess I just love trying no make up products and experimenting. Also I love reading other people's opinions on something so I barely buy anything now without reading at least one review

4. What is your all time favourite beauty brand?
Bourjois, If I want a specific product and I'm unsure where to go, I'll always pick Bourjois

5. Where do you get your makeup inspiration from?
I wouldn't say I'm inspired by one person particularly, but if I was to pick It would be Lauren Conrad

6. What is your favourite beauty blog to read?
I really like reading Kayleigh's Blog.

7. What's the best affordable makeup item you own?
Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer

8. What was your biggest beauty splurge?
My naked 3 pallete, it took me ages to pluck up the courage to buy it but now I love it and I'm really glad I did

9. Where do you buy the majority of your clothes?
I haven't brought clothes for ages, but I guess new look and boohoo are my go-to places

10. Who do you look to for fashion inspiration?
I actually don't have a fashion inspiration I just wear what I fancy

11. What's your favourite magazine?
I don't really buy magazines I'd much rather read a blog, but if I do, it's normally look magazine.

So for my nominations, I wasn't really sure how to see if you had less then 200 followers, so if you're reading this and have less than 200 followers I've tagged you! Leave a comment and let me know you've done it!

My Questions:
1. Your favourite make up brand?
2. Favourite film/book?
3. Why did you start blogging?
4. Your favourite perfume?
5. What's the most expensive piece of make up you've ever brought yourself?
6. Your make up inspiration?
7. Your most embarrassing story?
8. If you could only pick 3 make up products to take away with you on holiday what would they be and why?
9. favourite hair product?
10. Where in the world do you want to visit the most?
11. Your celebrity crush

I've actually really enjoyed thinking up these questions, and so if you want to have a go at that them comment below and I'll check your answers out.
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